Friends of mine have expressed on Facebook a sense that the emergence of the Coronavirus may be the beginning of the days of Revelation.📷
We do not think so.
Read our discussion at
What do you think? Are we entering the end times?
We suggest that there is another story in the Bible, which may offer reflection on today. And how does the Black Lives Matter relate to the challenges of the virus?
July 1, 2020 ... Each day something new is happening as the Coronavirus surges to higher and higher infections... visit our webpage that discusses a solution and return to comment.
May 22, 2020 ... On the way to pick up an item at the Home Depot (been doing a lot of at home projects during the Coronavirus), I turned on one of those oldies stations. The first song that came on was "Reach out and touch, somebody's hand, make this world a better place if you can" by Diana Ross. A great sentiment until I reminded myself that, in this day, there is no reaching out and touching.
After arriving at Home Depot and making my purchase, I left. On went the radio and after a few ending bars of "Paint it Black" by the Stones the Michael Jackson/ Lionel Ritchie classic came on: "We are the world, we are the children; we are the ones to make a better day so lets start giving". A round of "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers and Santana's "Black Magic Woman" followed, and, just as I was arriving home, came Jackie DeShannon's ... "What the world needs now is Love , sweet love ; it's the only thing that there is just too little of".
It was quite a morning on the radio - just what I needed. "Reach out and touch ... we are the world ... what the world needs now is love". Despite the Coronavirus a good morning after all. May we all remember that we are all, all the world, in this together.

Please visit as we list various stories on the Coronavirus
The days, described in the book of Revelation, are days of the world coming together under charismatic, evil leaders against those who follow God's call. The dynamics of today's world are different. We live in a world, which desperately needs to come together as one world to fight not a human foe but a microscopic foe - a virus.
The virus calls the world to come together. No more walls, real or figurative working to separate us. It is not the time of Revelation, but let's remember that, at the end of the time of Revelation, Jesus will come again and bring the world together as "one world" not as separate nationalistic states.
This virus spread, in part, because of…